Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A footprint...

So I've been reading a lot about social media, online footprints and other developing web trends as of late.  As a working member of the technical industry, and more specifically, the online technical industry, I thought that perhaps I should take advantage of the many different mediums of social media and online technology that are currently available.  I've been resistant to this level of adoption of social media for some time.  Not that I'm averse to change or adopting new technology, quite the opposite actually.  I was one of the first of my friends on Facebook, always one to have the latest cell phone release, constantly reading and investigating which gadget is worth my hard-earned dollars... I just found social media to be so...narcissistic?  I don't really know what it is, but something about Twitter and Blogging has always just rubbed me the wrong way.  Why does the internet need to know where I am right now, what I'm eating, what I think?

Well, I suppose the conclusion I've come to is that the internet doesn't need to know these things about me. However, there are those out there who feel that it takes a certain type of person to actively adopt these trends, and those are the people who are attractive to recruiters.  After some soul searching I think I've come to realize the need to separate myself from the pack.  Ironically enough, I look to achieve that how?  By joining the pack.  Social Media, here I come!  Consider this the first step in the trail which is to become my online footprint.

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